Sandburg Recognized with FCPS's 2018 Website Award

By a photo from the web curator's conference
November 07, 2018

Congratulations to our school website and web curator Ramon Lee (school-based technology specialist). The Sandburg MS website won the Best Use of Photography award at this year's Web Curator's Conference.

Below is the write-up that was read when Lee's award was announced. 

Ramon starts early each month by publishing a blog that is a photo gallery—a series of photos with captions about whatever is happening at the school. During the month, he adds additional photos that might showcase the classrooms, arts, activities, and teachers/students/parents.  So at the end of each month, the finished blog that offers a visual illustration of the school community for that month.

Since the launch of the website over a year ago, there has been a blog for every month that school is in session.