Panthers are in Pursuit of Excellence!
By June 2024, all students will demonstrate adequate academic progress as measured by an overall unadjusted SOL pass rate of 75% on the 7th and 8th grade Reading SOL.
Strategy 1 | Increase the frequency of formative and summative assessments that include integrated reading and writing tasks |
Action 1 | Use rigorous common assessments (formative and summative) that include high-level writing activities and reading tasks. |
Action 2 | Assess student writing using common rubrics to give student consistent feedback for growth |
Action 3 | Utilize strategy ladders to drive instruction and create small groups to push every student to next level. |
Strategy 2 | Maximize daily instruction and practice in word recognition, reading comprehension, and grammar (Lexia PowerUp) |
Action 1 | Teachers will design their instructional block to include rotating tasks to include: authentic, rigorous student tasks, small group intervention, and dedicated LexiaPower Up Time |
Action 2 | Teachers use data (Lexia Dashboard) to identify students who need Tier 3 instruction in Advisory |
Action 3 | Teachers will monitor student progress in Lexia and provide remediation as needed. |
Strategy 3 | Increase opportunities to explicitly teach conceptual background knowledge using evidence-based methods (i.e. mind maps, recognize patterns, critical and creative thinking strategies) |
Action 1 | Teachers create and facilitate common strategic focus lessons that contain explicit steps for skill mastery and modeling teacher thinking |
Action 2 | Teachers assign balanced assessments that include rigorous, authentic tasks and SOL practice that include reading and writing skills. |
Action 3 | Teachers provide students with consistent opportunities for student discourse, authentic writing, and collaboration. |
By June 2024 the adjusted student pass rate of specific subgroups (Black, Hispanic, Econ. Disad., English Learners, and Students with Disabilities) will increase to 70% as measured by Math SOL.
Strategy 1 | Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention. |
Action 1 | Instruction will include a station rotation model structure to provide students with opportunities for skill based support, independent practice and extensions when learning is mastered. |
Action 2 | Provide students in need of learning support access to Just In Time Intervention during daily advisory periods |
Action 3 | Create and utilize common formative and Summative Assessments by Standard and Substrand to progress monitor and support by student need. |
Strategy 2 | Increase systems of support during the school day, after school and summer to help students achieve success in mathematics. |
Action 1 | Leverage High Impact Tutors in Math 7 to support small group Tier 2 intervention |
Action 2 | Include after school programs that focus on application of mathematical thinking and skill building through STEM and applied mathematics. |
Action 3 | Develop and implement an achievement academy that is supported by a math teacher to provide open lab style support for students needing explicit instruction during our after school program. |
Strategy 3 | Improve teachers’ implementation of the Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction. |
Action 1 | Utilize the Collaborative Team cycle to ensure teachers are designing instruction from the framework for engaging & student centered math instruction. |
Action 2 | Participate in targeted professional learning as individual teachers and teacher teams in station-rotation, blended learning, and engagement in the mathematics classroom. |
Action 3 | Provide coaching cycles, and regular formal and informal observations with Claim, Evidence, Interpretation, and Judgement (CEIJ) model feedback. |
2023-2024: SCIENCE GOAL
By June 2024, all students will demonstrate adequate academic progress as measured by an overall SOA pass rate of 70% on the 8th grade Science SOL.
Strategy 1 | Increase opportunities for students to generate questions that drive inquiry-based learning |
Action 1 | Begin instructional units, subunits and standards with problem based science investigations that promote critical thinking and background knowledge through inquiry. |
Action 2 | Incorporate hands on learning experiences at the beginning, middle and end of the learning unit that are aligned to essential knowledge and outcomes. |
Strategy 2 | Increase opportunities for students to develop and apply disciplinary literacy skills of reading, writing, critical thinking, and discourse |
Action 1 | Incorporate written expression tasks as part of both the formative and summative assessment processes. (consistent with a school-wide initiative to support writing across the curriculum to support academic reasoning) |
Action 2 | Leverage interactive word walls, vocabulary constructs, and discourse strategies to increase student literacy within the content area. To increase student literacy across the content area. |
Strategy 3 | Expand the type and frequency of formative assessments to evaluate progress throughout units |
Action 1 | Utilize common formative and summative assessment data protocols to analyze areas of proficiency and opportunities for whole group reteaching within the instructional block. |
Action 2 | Leverage collaborative teams to utilize an Response to Intervention Process to identify students in need of just in time intervention to support intervention groups within the instructional block |
By May 2024, Carl Sandburg Middle School will meet 15% chronic absenteeism rate, through the use of targeted intervention, parent communication, and a revised attendance monitoring process.
Strategy 1 | Strengthening messaging to staff, students and families around attendance to school. Each stakeholder should be able to understand how daily attendance matters, not only for academic success, but because school offers an opportunity to develop social and emotional skills such as listening, paying attention, problem-solving and self-regulation, all which are needed to grow and learn. |
Action 1 | Common website information for parents and community members that align with pyramid schools |
Action 2 | Attendance intervention collaboration meetings with students and families; letters to families to monitor attendance and offer supports |
Strategy 2 | Understand root causes of student absenteeism. Strengthen programmatic responses to attendance barriers. |
Action 1 | Strengthen mental health supports, SEL groups and resources for students during advisory periods by hosting groups facilitated by student services team members |
Action 2 | Develop clear processes for progressive discipline, interventions and parent conferencing when addressing SRR violations |
Strategy 3 | Increase opportunities for personalized early attendance outreach. |
Person(s) Responsible | Administrators, AA for Attendance, Deans of Students |
Action 1 | Engage families at absence number 7 (regardless of unexcused or excused status) to develop an attendance intervention plan. |
Action 2 | Engage families of students (SWD, ESOL, 504) for a team meeting at absence number 5 to determine if the plan needs meet the student's current circumstances |
By June 2024, Sandburg will reduce student discipline as measured by a decrease in risk ratios by at least 15%: Black 2.75 to 2.3, SWD 2.58 to 2.1, FRM 6.09 to 5.1
Strategy 1 | Implement required Tier 1 SEL and PBIS practices using time protected by the master schedule and lesson plan expectations. |
Action 1 | Deliver SEL lessons on a weekly basis through Responsive Advisory Meetings during Advisory class. The Responsive Advisory lessons will teach and reteach school rules, build self-efficacy, and reinforce school expectations. |
Action 2 | Train teachers on how to conduct and sustain difficult, but empowering conversations with students to include student voice, and increase student-staff relationships. Training will promote asset based thinking around how staff interact with students. |
Action 3 | Engage students in learning about digital citizenship, and online social-emotional wellness through implementation of CommonSenseMedia.Org lessons throughout the school year. |
Strategy 2 | Utilize an MTSS framework to establish and organize a schoolwide continuum of proactive behavior and wellness supports. |
Action 1 | Develop a schoolwide and house level MTSS framework that captures student performance and behavioral data |
Action 2 | Develop and implement a student-talk protocol that identifies specific strategies and approaches at each of the three tiers of RTI to support behavioral performance. |
Action 3 | Utilize classroom wellness kits to increase student access to wellness tools and materials during Tier 1 instruction in all classrooms. |
Strategy 3 | Establish a positive and affirming schoolwide and classroom culture conducive to student engagement. |
Action 1 | Provide explicit instruction and coaching for new classroom teachers in establishing postitive relationships with students. |
Action 2 | Provide students with opportunities to provide feedback, input, and their perspectives into schoolwide programming and decision making. We'll be conducting a schoolwide student survey to guage interests, learning styles, and preferred strategies that teachers can use in the classroom. |
Action 3 | Creating new opportunities and structures to celebrate student achievements, contributions, and positive impact on the school and school community. |